Lullaby & Learn Books for Children

Lullaby & Learn Books were created to meet the needs of today’s children. They provide a multi-layered learning experience with ideas that parents, grandparents, teachers and child care-givers can use to enhance the learning process.

Sponges: Spectacular Sea Creatures

Sponges: Spectacular Sea Creatures

Ages 6 – 11. What are they, really? How do they eat? Where do they live? Why do scientists and engineers study them to learn their secrets? Satisfy your curiosity and have a blast with the Sponge-Art Activities in store for you and your friends!..


What Color, Quilly?

What Color, Quilly?

Ages 2 – 7. Young ones learn about color from an adorable porcupette named ‘Quilly’ who lives in a Woodland environment. Children learn color basics,and pre-reading skills for language development. Colorful illustrations, interactive component for having fun while learning!..


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